DO I NEED TO SLEEP TRAIN MY CHILD? Absolutely not! If you and your family are happy and thriving, then carry on! You may be ready to sleep train if feel like your child is not getting the best sleep that they could be getting, your child's sleep is affecting your own sleep, or if there are some things that you would like to change.
DO WE HAVE TO USE CRY IT OUT? : Crying is the only way that babies know how to communicate. So during the change that comes with sleep training, there will be some crying. This is because they are now doing something different then what they were used to doing. However, you will not be expected to do a full on cry it out. You will be able to support and reassure your child during the process.
HOW LONG UNTIL MY CHILD IS SLEEPING THROUHG THE NIGHT? : It's hard to say since every child and every situation is different! I encourage everyone to give it a full two weeks of being consistent with their plan. A lot of babies take to it very quickly, and some need more time.
WILL SLEEP TRAINING CAUSE MY CHILD TO HAVE ATTACHMENT ISSUES? : No, it will not! Studies have shown that there are no long term effects on attachment or children's health after sleep training. There are so many benefits to you having a happy, well rested child and you being a happy, well rested parent- the family dynamic as a whole is healthier and bonding has shown to be stronger.
AFTER THE 1 HOUR CONSULTATION, WHEN DO WE NEED TO START THE PLAN? : It's ideal to start the plan with in two weeks of the 1 hour consultation- that way the plan is still fresh in your mind. So that is how I typically advise my clients.
WHO IS NOT A CANDIDATE TO SLEEP TRAIN? : If your child has any unaddressed health issues such as; not gaining weight or breathing issues, this needs to be addressed first with your pediatrician before starting any sleep training. If you have any hesitations about sleep training, then its probably not the right time to start. You need to be certain that you and any other caregivers are ready to commit.
WHAT IF I CO-SLEEP/ BED SHARE CURRENTLY, CAN I SLEEP TRAIN? : No. In order to be successful with sleep training, your baby needs to be in their own safe sleep space where they can learn how to fall asleep independently.
WHAT HAPPENS AFTER I PURCHASE A PACKAGE? : Shortly after purchasing, a contract for you to sign and a questionnaire about your child's sleep are sent over to you. After you have completed it and sent it back to me, we will be able to schedule the 1 hour consult. We are usually able to schedule this within 7 days of when the purchase was made. During that time, i will be working on your personalized sleep plan.