Struggling with...
Wake-ups all throughout the night?
Short naps all day every day?
Bedtimes that completely drain you?
This course is designed for parents just like you who are ready to make sleep a priority—for everyone in the family.
This course provides a clear, effective plan to help your baby sleep through the night—without leaving them to cry on their own.

A Proven Path to Better Sleep in Less than 2 weeks!
Here's what you'll learn
How to establish a consistent routine that supports 10-12 hour stretches
How to guide your baby to sleep independently with methods tailored to your comfort level
Practical strategies for handling common sleep disruptions (teething, illness, regressions, etc.)
How to wean to zero or one feed overnight
Tips for improving both nighttime sleep and daytime naps
A step-by-step approach, using evidenced based techniques, that respects your baby’s development and attachment
What's Inside the Course?
Sleep Foundation
Preparing your baby's body and sleep environment for long stretches of sleep
Weaning Night Feeds
A gentle approach to weaning down to 1 or 0 feeds- with examples on how to wean
Sleep Training
Using an approach based on your comfort level, that responds to all your baby's needs and allows you to support them during the process
Creating a better daytime routine with more predictable naps
Common Sleep Issues
Troubleshooting sleep issues that may come up from time to time, so you can get back on track
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IS THIS FOR BABIES WHO ARE NOT IN A CRIB?This course is intended for children in a crib or who you plan to put in a crib when you start sleep training. This is not appropriate for babies who will be in a floor bed or bed sharing.
DO I HAVE TO USE CRY IT OUT?No, this course does not involve crt it out. However, crying is how our babies communicate. So during the change that comes with sleep training, there will be some crying because this is something different then what your baby is currently used to. But you will be able to support and reassure your child during the process.
HOW LONG UNTIL MY CHILD IS SLEEPING THROUHG THE NIGHT?It's hard to say since every child and every situation is different! I encourage everyone to give it a full two weeks. If you follow what I've outlined in the course, I have full confidence that your babys sleep will drastically improve.
WHAT SLEEP TRAINING METHODS DO YOU USE?The methods in the course involve different levels of parental involvement to soothe and guide your baby through this transition. The course offers three sleep training techniques based on your family's needs and your comfort level. These methods vary in the degree of parental support, from staying by the crib side until your baby falls asleep, to spaced out intervals where you can check in and comfort your baby, to a combination of the two. ​​
WILL SLEEP TRAINING WORK IF I BREASTFEED?Yes! It's a total myth that a breast fed baby cant sleep through the night. Your baby, whether breastfed or not, can successfully learn to fall asleep independently and sleep through thte night.
WILL SLEEP TRAINING CAUSE MY CHILD TO HAVE ATTACHMENT ISSUES?No, it will not! Studies have shown that there are no long term effects on attachment or children's health after sleep training. There are so many benefits to you having a happy, well rested child and you being a happy, well rested parent- the family dynamic as a whole is healthier and bonding has shown to be stronger.
WHAT HAPPENS AFTER I PURCHASE THE COURSE?After purchase, you will create an online account and get immediate access to the course!